January 2025 Upgrade Information
If you access BSCC by logging into https://hieportal.mtbscc.org/
please review these materials:
If you access BSCC through single sign on,
please review these materials:
Your healthcare,
where and when you need it.
Harnessing the power of healthcare information technology to create healthier Montana Communities.
Big Sky Care Connect (BSCC) is a nonprofit formed in 2018 to respond to the need for a statewide health information exchange (HIE) to enhance clinical care in communities across Montana.
What is Big Sky Care Connect?
Big Sky Care Connect (BSCC) - Montana’s Health Information Exchange (HIE) - is a network that allows the health records of Montanans to be securely shared with providers throughout the state. Watch the video to learn more…
What are Montana’s Medical Providers Saying?
Medical providers across the Big Sky State are seeing the potential for dramatic improvement in healthcare across many disciplines…
“I use BSCC to assist and supplement case information provided to county coroners. In some cases, the information found helps to direct the investigation and determine the need for an autopsy. The information available in the HIE allows us to save time and resources.”
— Kayla Wallace, Coroner Liaison, Montana Department of Justice Forensic Science Division
“We then tried to contact the ER provider to no avail so we decided to try the portal. We were able to see his history on the portal.”
— Dominique Preputin, Pharmacist at Western Drug
“Because of the HIE, there was no need for aggressive further workup”.
— Dr. Arbogast DO, FAAN Department of Neurology Billings Clinic

As Montanans, it’s past time that we join the rest of the nation in connecting all of our excellent medical providers across the state to enable them to take better care of all of us.
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